Currently, the following 3 products are available in our offer. However, if you are interested in a material with other properties, please contact us. We might be able to help you.
Do you want to know more about our offer, products. Or maybe you are simply interested in our activities? Don't wait - write to us and we'll be sure to respond.
We specialize in recycling plastics to production. Our polymers are used in almost all industries. Thanks to the use of recyclates, you can significantly reduce the need for primary plastics and reduce the consumption of the kidney needed for their use, up to 20%.
Tworzywa sztuczne pozyskujemy poprzez zmielenie ZSEE, a następnie odseparowanie go od reszty surowców. W procesie separacji usuwamy metale żelazne, nieżelazne, gumę, szkoło, drewno, czy choćby wszelkiego rodzaju pianki oraz brud.
During washing and preparation, we remove plastics which are not our target. During the cleaning stage, we divide plastics according to specified chemical properties on PS, PP and ABS. In order to achieve the best results, the cleaning processes are carried out in several stages.
The separated and clean product is mixed and formed into a granulate. After that, the product is properly tested, appointed and certified.
As part of the work on finished polymer products, we have established a specialized lab, the main goal of which is to ensure the quality of our products on a daily basis. We carry out regular spectrometric and endurance tests there. Our goal is to constantly strive to maintain stable physical and chemical properties of ready regranulates. As a company, we also have numerous certificates which prove the quality of our products.
Elektrorecykling Poland
Elektrorecykling Poland
Elektrorecykling Poland
Elektrorecykling Polska
Elektrorecykling Poland
Elektrorecykling Poland